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Work Hours Summary Sign-off
Arun Kumar avatar
Written by Arun Kumar
Updated over a month ago


The Work Hours Summary Sign-Off feature ensures that team members, managers, and admins review and confirm their work hours for each pay period. This feature is available for Enterprise plan customers and can be enabled by admins.

By using Summary Sign-off, you will be able to:

  • Avoid chasing your team to confirm hours for payroll: This feature allows team members to review and confirm their total hours at the end of each pay period. Admins can view who has not signed off their hours before payroll is processed.

  • Reduce errors before payroll is processed: Team members can request corrections before payroll is processed.

  • Gain trust of your team by introducing more transparency: Changes made to team members' time cards are shared for their review before sign-off.

  • Keep an audit trail of work hour acknowledgement : Download and print signed-off reports for compliance records

Note: To sign off the total hours from the last pay period, download the latest Workyard iOS and Android apps.

How It Works

  1. Prompt: After the pay period ends, team members are prompted to review and sign off their hours when they open the app and land on the Clock-screen. To enable the prompt:

    Go to Company Settings>Time>Time Clock> Time Card Sign off and toggle ON the setting to "Prompt team members to verify their total recorded work hours at the end of every pay period"

    Team members will be shown the following prompt when they are on Clock screen of the Workyard mobile app.

  2. Skip the prompt: Team members can skip the prompt until they are ready to review hours. If not signed off, the prompt is appears again on Clock screen

  3. Review Hours: Users can view a summary of their hours, broken down by regular, OT, DT, PTO, and break hours for each day of the last pay period.

  4. Changelog: If any changes were made to the time cards after submission, team members are shown a list of all the changes made to:

    1. start time of their time cards,

    2. end time of their time cards, and

    3. breaks during the last pay period.

  5. Request Corrections: If needed, users can request corrections by sending a note to their time approvers and admins. Time approvers/admins are notified via emails.

    Sample email notification

  6. Sign-Off: Users submit their sign-off, confirming their hours for the pay period. Sample of the signed report is shown below:

  7. Work Hours Sign Offs Report: Available for admins and managers, this report provides a snapshot of the sign-off status for each team member. It includes details such as whether the hours were signed off, any notes for correction, and changes made after sign-off.

    To download the report, go to Time Card hub --> Report --> Select Report Type: Work Hours Sign Off

Sample reports:


  1. Can the admin export the time activity if its not signed off ?

    1. Yes, time activity can be exported as usual for all team members even if it is not signed off.

  2. Who is notified when request for correction is submitted and how?

    1. Assigned time approvers and org admins are notified via email.

  3. Can team member submit more than one requests for correction?

    1. Only one request for correction can be submitted per pay period per team member.

  4. Can admin customise the period for which summary is shown for sign-off?

    1. In first phase, time period for summary sign off cannot be customised. Default setting is the effective pay period of the org. For e.g. teams in orgs with weekly pay period will be asked to sign off every week and teams having monthly pay period will be prompted once a month.

  5. Can the admin notify the team member when correction request is actioned upon?

    1. No, there is no new notification to notify about corrections being made, if any. But team members are notified whenever their time cards are updated.

  6. What changes are shown in the “changelog” when signing off the time summary?

    1. Changelog shows the list of changes made to the time card AFTER the time card was submitted. It shows:

      1. Change in start time of the time card

      2. Change in end time of the time cards

      3. Change in break start time and duration

      4. Changes in project time assignment are NOT part of changelog.

  7. What happens if user does not sign off his summary ?

    1. They are prompted repeatedly when they are on Clock screen.

    2. They can skip the prompt unlimited number of times if they are not ready to sign off yet.

  8. Can the user sign off summary of a past pay period ?

    1. User cannot go back to any past pay periods to sign off the summary. User is prompted to sign off the last pay period only.

  9. When is the user first prompted for signing off the summary and how is it triggered?

    1. User is automatically prompted to sign off the summary of last pay period as soon as the new pay period starts. For e.g. in case of a weekly pay period which ends on Wednesday, user will be prompted to sign off the summary on Thursday i.e. the 1st day of the new pay period.

  10. Can both time summary sign off and time card sign off be used together ?

    1. Yes, both features can be used together.

For any questions or issues, please contact our team at

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