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Project Time Settings for Project Tagging
Project Time Settings for Project Tagging

Workyard offers both Manual and Automatic Project Tagging based on your subscription.

Matthew Davidson avatar
Written by Matthew Davidson
Updated over 3 weeks ago

In order to generate job costing reports, it is critical that projects are tagged. There are two main methods that this project tagging can occur:

Option #1 - Manual Project Tagging (PRO & Enterprise)

This will rely on the worker tagging projects while they are clocked in. They can do this as they go from project to project or they can do it prior to submitting the time card for approval.

Option #2 - Automatic Project Tagging (Enterprise Only)

In this case, Workyard will tag the projects that the worker goes to throughout the day on their behalf. The tagging will be based on the project geofences the worker interacts with throughout the day.

How to Setup Manual Project Tagging

To setup the Manual project tagging settings first:

  • Click on the gear icon in the lower left corner > Company > Project Time > Manual

Project Time Assignment Rules

  • "All Clock ins require time assigned to a project"

    • "On" - this will force the worker to tag a project when clocking in or upon clock-out if no projects have been tagged

  • "Allow Team members to create a project if not found"

    • "On" - this will allow workers to create projects when attempting to tag a project. If the project they are physically at hasn't been added yet to Workyard, this will allow them to create a project.

Cost Code Time Assignment Rules

  • "Require Team Members to assign time to cost codes"

    • "On" - Whenever a project is tagged, this will require the worker to select a cost code based on the cost code(s) that have been assigned to that project.

      • 0 Cost Codes Assigned = Worker will not be forced to select a cost code

      • 1 Cost Code Assigned = Worker will automatically have this cost code assigned.

      • 2+ Cost Codes Assigned = Worker will need to select a specific cost code from the list.

    • "Off" - The worker will not be presented with the opportunity to select a cost code at all - even if there are cost codes assigned to the project.

How to setup Automatic Project Tagging

To setup the Automatic project tagging settings first:

  • Click on the gear icon in the lower left corner > Company > Project Time > Automatic

Project Time Assignment Rules

  • "Assign time spent at locations that are not projects to" - this will decide how time spent outside of a geofence is automatically assigned.

    • There are three options:

      • "The Next Project Visit"

      • "Split time evenly across all visited projects"

      • "Leave as Unallocated time"

  • "Assign driving time to" - this will decide how drive time logged on the time card will be automatically allocated.

    • There are three options:

      • "The Next Project Visit"

      • "Split time evenly across all visited projects"

      • "Leave as Unallocated time"

  • "Projects to exclude from automatic assignment" - projects added here will not be automatically tagged. However, automatic clock-in or restrict clock-in to within geofence will still work as expected.

Cost Code time assignment rules

  • "Require team members to assign time to cost codes on clock out"

    • "On" - When the worker clocks out they will be given a chance to select one or more cost codes per project they visited.

      • If the worker selected multiple cost codes, it will then ask them to divide their time at that project across the selected cost codes.

    • "Off" - If this is off, the worker will never see or be able to interact with cost codes.

  • "Automatically Assign a cost code for all driving activity"

    • "On" - if you automatically allocate drive time and have assigned a specific cost code for "Drive Time", then any associated drive time will automatically be assigned the designated cost code.

      • The designated "Drive Time" cost code does not need to be added to each project, it will automatically be applied.

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