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How To Set Up a Work Form

Set up guide on how to create form templates for your team members to complete

Alex avatar
Written by Alex
Updated over a month ago

To get started, log in via desktop and go to Work Forms > Create. From the create option you can select to convert an existing document, such as image, spread sheeet or word doc or start from scratch.

Step 1: Design your form

If you're starting from scratch, drag and drop question types from left hand side bar. You can drag and drop the order of the questions and also place them side-by-side to create columns.

Select the question type to view setting options on the right hand side, which include choice options, setting conditional logic and setting up unexpected answers.

Step 2: Set Translations (optional)

Next, you can optionally set up Spanish and/or Portuguese as language options to translate your form. Select the language then enter the translations for each field. This is optional, as forms are set to English as the default language.

Step 3: Set Triggers & Alerts

Setting Triggers

Specify what type of trigger you want to use to assign a form to team members. The following options are available:

  • None: Form is not triggered for any team members, can be completed from the form library

  • Clock In: Form is triggered on clock in for team members selected, can be skipped but must be completed by clock out

  • Clock Out: Form is triggered on clock out for team members selected

Setting Notifications

Specify which administrators you would like to assign to receive notifications for unexpected answers and form submissions.

Step 4: Preview & Publish

Now preview how you're form is looking on different device types. If you're happy with how it's looking hit PUBLISH to make your form live. Or, select SAVE DRAFT to review and publish at a later time.

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