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"Starter" Subscription Setup Guide
Dylan Sewell avatar
Written by Dylan Sewell
Updated over 2 months ago

We are so excited you have chosen to partner with Workyard! This guide will walk you through getting setup with Workyard on the "Starter" subscription.

Key Benefits of the "Starter" subscription:

  • Time tracking and notes

  • Location and mileage tracking

  • Payroll integrations

  • Customer support

Steps for getting Setup with Workyard on the "Starter" subscription:

  • Set "Time Clock" rules -> Toggle On or Off

    • "Enable Time Tracking" - Allows the worker to track time within the Workyard app

    • "Enable GPS Tracking when clocking in" - will require the worker to turn "Always on" for GPS tracking with the Workyard app. You will only have access to their GPS information when the worker is clocked-in. If they are clocked-out or on a break you will need be able to see their GPS location.

    • "Allow deletion or editing of clock-in/clock-out time and breaks" - this will allow workers to edit their clock-in and clock-out times and break information even after they have submitted their time cards. Once the time card is approved, they will not be able to edit the time card any further.

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