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How To Review Time Cards

Learn how to review time cards submitted by your team from your desktop computer

Alex avatar
Written by Alex
Updated over a week ago

How It Helps

When a team member clocks in, you'll instantly see their clock in time and location. As they work throughout their shift, any breaks, new locations visited, and time tagged to projects will be updated on their time cards for you to keep up to date on progress.

How It Works

Log in on your desktop computer on, then click on the Time Cards main menu item to view time cards submitted by your team.

How to Filter Time Cards

From the time card page, you can filter time cards displayed on the summary & table in three ways:

Group Filters

  • All Time Cards: This option is available to Administrators & Managers. It displays all time cards for team members they have access to.

  • Assigned Time Cards: This option is available to Administrators & Managers. It displays time cards where they are assigned as a time approver.

  • My Time Cards: This option is available to Administrators, Managers & Workers. It displays their own time cards.

Date Filters

  • Daily: Displays time cards with a clock in date for the day selected. Use the arrows to scroll between days.

  • Weekly: Displays time cards for the calendar week selected. Use the arrows to scroll between weeks.

  • Monthly: Displays time cards for the calendar month selected. Use the arrows to scroll between months.

  • Pay Period: Displays time cards for your pay period ranges based on your pay period settings.

  • Custom Range: Displays time cards for the date range you select.

Click on the trash can icon next to the filter to remove any date filters applied.

Attribute Filters

To further refine your search, select one or more different types of time card attributes:

  • Team Member: Filter by team members who have clocked in

  • Time Card Status: Filter by Clocked In, Clocked Out, Approved, or Exported

  • Time Approver: Filter by team members who are assigned as a time approver

  • Alerts: Filter by time card alerts applied on the time card

A handy summary of the number of team members, total hours, and miles for the filters you have applied will appear above the time card table.

Any group, date, or attribute filters applied to the time card table will update the summary boxes.

The Time Card Table

From the time card page, you'll see a table that displays all time cards created by your team. You can click through on a record to see a detailed view of GPS locations, tagged projects/cost codes, and notes captured on the time card.

By default, the following columns will be shown:

  • Team Member & Status: The name of the team member clocked in. Hover over the colored dot next to the team member's name to see the status of the time card.

  • Clock In & Clock Out: Date & time of clock in / out

  • Clock in & out location: The activity detected at the time of clock in / out

  • Reg, OT & Hours: Regular, Overtime, and Total Hours calculated for the time card

  • Break: Total hours registered as break time

  • Miles: Total miles driven detected on the time card

  • Location Icon: Number of unique locations visited

  • Tag Icon: Number of tagged projects & cost codes

  • Message Icon: Number of notes

  • Alerts: Any alert types detected on the time card

By default, the following columns will be hidden:

  • Status: The time card status

  • Type: The type of time card, either GPS or Manual

  • DT: Any Double Time calculated on the time card based on overtime settings

The columns displayed on this table can be customized by:

  • Clicking on the 3 column button next to the search field to show or hide additional columns or change the display of hours between HH:MM or Decimal

  • Clicking and dragging on the column headers to re-arrange the order of columns

  • Hover between column headers to adjust, increase or reduce the width

Bulk Edit Time Cards

Our bulk editing feature allows you to change the clock in, clock out, add a break, or change the time card status to one or more time cards. To do this:

  1. Check the box next to the time card record(s) that needs to be changed

  2. The bulk editing button options will then appear under the + Time Card button

  3. Select which option you'd like to apply and click the update button to apply the change

Download Time & Mile Reports

From the time card page, you can download two types of reports:

  • Time Card Report: A spreadsheet (.CSV) with the team member's clock in, out, break times, total hours, miles, mile hours, and notes.

  • Project Time Report: Pick from a spreadsheet (.CSV) or PDF (of individual time cards) of clock in, clock out, total hours & miles broken down by project & cost code.


My team member is clocked in, but why can't I see their timecard?

  • Check you have not applied any group, date, or attribute filters that would filter out the time card you are looking for.

  • If you leave the time cards page open and a person clocks in after you have loaded the page, you will need to refresh the page to see the latest updates.

  • If the person clocked in is offline, then the time card record will not be uploaded until they reach an internet connection.

Why is the clock in location field blank when there is a location shown on the map when I view the time card?

It may take a few minutes after clocking in for the location to appear on the table. If you have also left the page open for a few minutes, try refreshing the page to receive the latest updates.

Can all my team members see and edit time cards on this page?

Any user with the role type of Administrator will be able to see and edit time cards for all team members. Manager role types will only be able to see and edit time cards based on the restriction setting applied. Worker role types will only be able to view and edit their time cards based on the edit settings applied.

How do I edit, duplicate, or delete a time card?

Click on the three dot icon on the last column. A menu will appear with the options to edit, duplicate or delete the time card.

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