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View Project Charts & Reports

See charts & reports on how hours, costs & mileage are tracking over time on your project

Alex avatar
Written by Alex
Updated over a week ago

To find charts & reports for your projects, go to the 'Projects' menu item, then click on the project row to view charts and download reports.

Chart Sections


The hours chart section displays the number of hours tagged on time cards to the project from your team. There are 3 types of charts displayed within Hours:

  • Summary: Displays the total hours for the time period selected

  • By Period: Displays the total hours broken down by a time period selected

  • Cumulative: Displays how total hours are increasing over a time period selected

Miles & Travel

The Miles & Travel chart section displays the number of miles and travel time automatically detected to the project from driving activity detected on time cards from your team. There are 4 types of charts displayed within Miles & Travel:

  • Miles & Travel Summary: Displays the total miles & travel time for the time period selected

  • Work vs Travel Time Summary: Displays the total work vs travel time hours broken down by a time period selected

  • Miles & Travel By Period: Displays how total miles & travel time broken down by a time period selected

  • Work vs Travel Time By Period: Displays how total work vs travel time broken down by a time period selected


The Costs chart section displays the labor cost calculated from time tagged to the project on time cards from your team. There are 3 types of charts displayed within Costs:

  • Summary: Displays the total costs for the time period selected

  • By Period: Displays the total costs broken down by a time period selected

  • Cumulative: Displays how total costs are increasing over a time period selected

Date Filtering

From the top of the page you can apply a time range to filter the totals and range of data plotted on all charts. When there is no date filter applied, it will return all data available for the history of the project.

On desktop, there are a few additional pre-set filtering options:

  • Daily: Select and navigate one day at a time

  • Weekly: Select and navigate a calendar week (Sun - Sat) at a time

  • Monthly: Select and navigate a calendar month at a time

  • Custom Range: Input any custom date range you'd like to see

Grouping & Display Options

Grouping Options

From each chart section the following grouping options are available:

  • Seeing total on charts grouped by person, cost code or hour type

  • And, grouping the date range displayed on the chart by Day, Week or Month

Display Options

From within each grouping option of Person or Costs Codes you can also control which results are displayed by checking / unchecking the display options shown within the chart.

Downloading Reports

Download reports on total hours, cost & mileage by clicking on the download report button. The download report form includes the following options:

  • Report Type: Select the type of report to download

  • Date Range: Select a custom date range or select 'All Time' to download the entire length of project

  • Group Totals By: Select an option to summarize the totals calculated by day, week or month


How often is the data on this page refreshed?

The data collected is updated anytime someone from your team clocks out of a time card that includes time tagged to the project. If you keep the page open for a long period of time, a page refresh will be required to receive the latest updates.

Can Workers view this information?

Workers do not have access to any information displayed within the Project Hub.

Can Managers view this information?

If you have assigned Mangers to the Project, then only those team members will be able to access this information. If you have assigned no Managers to the project, then all managers will have access. Managers with financial access will also have access to viewing costs. Managers who do not have financial access will only see hours. See our guide on how to set up projects for more information.

Why are my charts displaying "No Data Found"?

This is shown when there is no data found for the date filter selected. Try updating the date filter selected to see results.

How do hours get assigned to my project?

The hours are calculated based on the time your team members have tagged to the project from their time cards.

How do labor costs get calculated to my project?

Labor costs are calculated based on the pay rate that is set up for the team member. See our guide on how to set up pay rates.

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